NET (National Eligibility Test) Series 19

1.     ISO-9960 is related with?
Standard for encoding data on CD-ROM
2.     ASCII has how many codes?
3.     Raw, unevaluated, unprocessed and unorganized facts is known as: …………
4.     Information retrieval is fastest from …………..
Hard Disk
5.     Which University is providing Open Access to Sanskrit dissertations through Internet?
Delhi University
6.     Term “Truncation” is used in………………………..
Search Formulation
7.     UNIX is a…………………………………………...
Multi user operating system
8.     The CD alphabets in CDS/ISIS stands for……………..
Computerized Documentation
9.     LYCOS is a …………..
Search engine
10.     Electronic telecommunications system joining millions of computers together.

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